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The Logic Group

Government Confirms Commitment to Growing Self Build & Custom Homes Sector

The current Government laid out plans within their election manifesto to double the number of self build and custom homes to 20,000 homes by 2020. However, in recent discussions with the National Custom & Self Build Association (NaCSBA), greater ambitions for this sector have been revealed.

NaCSBA have confirmed that, following discussions with Government, they are expecting the custom and self build sector to deliver around 30% of new homes by 2030. That would mean an average of 50,000-60,000 new homes built each year would be custom or self build projects which would bring the UK’s self build and custom sector closer to the average of 40% seen in many other developed economies.

“At Logic PM we’ve certainly seen a resurgence in the homebuilding sector, both from individuals wanting to build their dream home and developers looking to build on a larger scale. Construction is integral to the UK economy and the government should consider investing in training to address the skills shortage we face in this country if they wish to achieve their target of 20,000 self-build and custom homes by 2020 and beyond.” Nick Baster, Director, Logic PM

Working with an experienced project manager is key to getting your self-build or custom home built on time, within budget and to your satisfaction. Contact Logic PM today to find out more about how we can help. Call 01622 535505 or email to book a free consultation at our Kent office.

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